Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Plain Truth: Is Donald Trump a Double-Minded Man?

The Plain Truth: Is Donald Trump a Double-Minded Man?: We all understand that politicians will be political, emphasizing one point to one audience and another point to another audience. We a...

Is Donald Trump a Double-Minded Man?

We all understand that politicians will be political, emphasizing one point to one audience and another point to another audience. We also understand that people's views can genuinely change, including the views of politicians.
But when a political leader completely flip-flops on issues and then flip-flops again, the trustworthiness of that leader must be questioned.
Does Donald Trump fit the description of a double-minded, untrustworthy leader?
Judge for yourself.
Trump claims that his views on abortion changed based on personal experience.
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, even though, at best, he is still not a strong, consistent pro-life candidate.
He has also taken a more negative stance on gay issues than he did in the past (although at no time did he fully support same-sex "marriage"). Is this simply a calculated political shift in order to win the Republican nomination?
Perhaps, but once again, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Although here too, he is hardly an articulate champion of conservative moral values.
Other shifts in his views cannot be so easily explained.
Let's consider Trump's views on Hillary Clinton.
As TIME magazine reported July 17, 2015, last year Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton the "worst secretary of state in the history of the United States," and a "desperate" and "sad" candidate.
Trump's insults this year have gotten even worse, to the point of him calling Hillary's bathroom break during a presidential debate "disgusting." And that is only the tip of the iceberg.
Trump is also renting out a theater in Iowa so voters can see the new movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi for free. According to a Trump spokesperson, "Mr. Trump would like all Americans to know the truth about what happened at Benghazi."
Contrast this with Trump's comments in 2007 when Hillary was running for president on the Democrat side while Rudy Giuliani was running on the Republican side.
Trump said he was torn between them, stating, "They're both terrific people, and I hope they both get the nomination."
Yes, these were the words of Donald Trump.
Then, in 2012, he told Greta van Susteren on Fox News: "Hillary Clinton, I think, is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she's given an agenda. It is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."
As to Hillary's record as secretary of state, Trump opined on Live Leak that she probably did "above and beyond everybody else and everything else."
He also dismissed the importance of Benghazi and said that, if Hillary ran again for office, he was "sure" she would do a "good job" of defending her record as secretary of state.
Is this not a glaring example of being double-minded?
How do you trust the words of someone who one day says that Hillary did her job as secretary of state "above and beyond everybody else and everything else" and another day brands her the "worst secretary of state in the history of the United States"?
Which is his real opinion: the old one (from just a few years back) or the current one? And if his current opinion is his real opinion, why did he speak of Hillary with such praise before?
For another glaring example, consider how Trump has flipped, then flopped, then flipped again in terms of his evaluation of Ted Cruz.
On Dec. 13, 2015, Trump stated that Cruz has acted like "a little bit of a maniac" in the Senate and doesn't have "the right temperament" or "the right judgment" to be president.
Two days later, when CNN's Dana Bash asked Trump about those comments during that night's presidential debate, he replied, "Let me tell you, as I have gotten to know him over the last three or four days, he has a wonderful temperament. He's just fine, don't worry about it."
Perhaps Trump was sincere during the debate.
Perhaps the first comments were just political rhetoric and perhaps he really did get to know Cruz better and genuinely believes that "he has a wonderful temperament" and "he's just fine."
Then how do we explain Trump's comments just one month later—and a month in which Trump made significant gains in the race—blasting Cruz in even more extreme terms?
Speaking to George Stephanopoulos on ABC News on Jan. 17, Trump said of Cruz, "Look, the truth is, he's a nasty guy. ... Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him. Nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him. He's a very—he's got an edge that's not good. You can't make deals with people like that, and it's not a good thing. It's not a good thing for the country. Very nasty guy."
Trump also called him "a total hypocrite."
So, what does Trump really believe?
Is Cruz "a little bit of a maniac" and "a nasty guy," a "very nasty guy" whom "nobody in Congress likes"? Or is Cruz "just fine" with "a wonderful temperament"?
Either Donald Trump is double-minded and therefore untrustworthy, or his words cannot be taken seriously, since there's no way of knowing what he really believes.
If you are one of his loyal supporters, I urge you to give this some calm, rational thought.
Can you really trust him with your vote?

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Plain Truth: Iraq and the Millennial Kingdom: A look at the Ant...

The Plain Truth: Iraq and the Millennial Kingdom: A look at the Ant...: The Future of Iraq Imagine, if you will, a highway that connects Baghdad with Cairo and Jerusalem; a highway without tolls and borders!...

Iraq and the Millennial Kingdom: A look at the Anti-Christ and the end times!

The Future of Iraq
Imagine, if you will, a highway that connects Baghdad with Cairo and Jerusalem; a highway without tolls and borders! Imagine Israel leading the world in religious observance, without rivalry from any nation on earth. People could spend their money on personal and social projects, without a dime going toward defense!
A dream, you say? No, not a dream, but a future reality predicted by Isaiah the prophet. As you read his predictions, keep in mind that much of present-day Iraq is the ancient land of Assyria: “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be a third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth” (Isaiah 19:23, 24). This, of course, is a reference to the Millennial Kingdom, a time when Messiah rules on earth, restoring order, and for the most part, reversing the curse that sin has inflicted upon this planet.
Of course, this time of blessing will not happen in the next few months, or even years, but happen it will, just as God predicted.
However, before this time of peace, there will be much bloodshed and suffering, not just in Iraq, but among all the nations of Planet Earth. Whatever our view of the current war on terrorism, we know a temporary era of peace is coming to Iraq, perhaps even in our lifetime, before the Lord returns.
There are many end-time scenarios, but one held by many students of prophecy teaches that Iraq will most likely emerge as an oil superpower, and with trillions of dollars flooding into the country, become a magnet for banks and corporations. The ancient city of Babylon (50 miles south of Baghdad) will become one of the most modern cities in the world. Just read Revelation 18, where Babylon is described as the “great city” and a center of “extravagant luxury.”
Unfortunately, Babylon will not only become a political capital, but also a city of great evil, and possibly the residence of the Anti-Christ. For a time he will dominate the world, expecting to be worshipped by all who live upon this earth (see Revelation 13:7–9). His glory is short-lived, however, and because his empire is centered in Babylon, he will face the fierce judgment of God, most probably when Jesus Christ returns to earth to end the Battle of Armageddon and establish His Kingdom.
During this millennial reign (a 1,000-year period), Iraq will, of course, be rebuilt but under the direction of the world’s new ruler, Jesus Christ. Then a highway will connect the cities of the Middle East and peace shall ensue.
And where will we be when all this happens? We shall be reigning with Christ in the Kingdom, whose capital is Jerusalem. We will already have been translated into God’s presence by the rapture of the Church.
I want to be sure you take away this thought: Yes, Iraq has a marvelous future, but it cannot compare to our future as God’s own people. No matter what you are experiencing today, the best is yet to come!

Examining the End Times We’re all curious about the end of the world. How will it happen? When? Where will we be? Here, Pastor Lutzer provides some insight into the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Millennial Kingdom.
Q: You end your article on page 2 by saying that the Church will be already translated into God’s presence by the time the Kingdom is established on earth. Why do you believe this?
A: Because the rapture (1 Thess. 4) will already have taken place. Space does not permit a detailed explanation of this except to say that the return of Christ precedes the establishment of the Kingdom. Even those who believe that the Church will go through the Great Tribulation, admit that when Christ returns to establish His Kingdom, all the saints who have died, as well as those who are alive at His coming, will have their eternal, glorified bodies.
Q: But aren’t there people living in the Millennial Kingdom in their earthly bodies? The Bible predicts that children will be born and die, etc. How can it be that we who will have glorified bodies can rule with Christ in such a context?
A: You are right, the Bible does teach that the people who survive the Tribulation will enter the Millennial Kingdom in their earthly bodies. At the same time, the Church and the resurrected Old Testament saints will be there with their glorified bodies. But this should pose no special difficulty. After all, Jesus got along perfectly fine with His disciples after He was raised from the dead with His eternal, heavenly body! In fact, He even ate fish (Luke 24:42, 43).
Q: The Bible predicts that there will be a coalition of Arab countries, led by Russia, that will seek to attack Israel, but they will be destroyed by God (Ezekiel 39).When will this happen, and what will be the effects of this massive destruction?
A: Excellent question! Here is a scenario that might fit: After the rapture of the church there could be a period of preparation for the events to unfold that would wrap up history as we know it. Then, a ruler will arise, the Anti-Christ, who would make a peace covenant that would guarantee the security of Israel and a temporary peace would come to the world. During this time, the coalition (referred to above) would be destroyed directly by God. The balance of power would shift to the Anti-Christ, who would now be unchallenged in his rule of the world.
With these oil-producing countries out of the picture, Iraq (which interestingly is not listed as part of this coalition that will be destroyed) would enjoy great wealth because of its huge oil reserves. Then Babylon would be rebuilt and the Anti-Christ would move his capital there. Then in the middle of the tribulation, the Anti-Christ goes to Jerusalem to break his covenant and declare himself to be God. Three-and one-half years later, the battle of Armageddon occurs and Jesus returns with His saints and destroys all opposition, including Babylon. Then the Kingdom is established.
Keep in mind that in this scenario, the coming of Jesus is in two stages: in the rapture he comes for his saints, in his glorious appearing he comes with his saints in great glory.
Q: Prophecy often divides Christians…there are some scholars who believe the church goes through the Tribulation and others believe there is no Millennial Kingdom because they take all the Old Testament passages metaphorically.
A: You are right, there are many different views, and even those who agree on the main points disagree about the details. Remember, the purpose of prophecy is not to satisfy our curiosity, but to motivate us to holiness and faithfulness. In the end, even the best of scholars will discover they got things wrong! What we know for sure is that Jesus is returning to earth and we don’t know when!