You’ve probably heard the words “net neutrality” being tossed around a lot lately.
That’s because on January 14, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.
Circuit Court struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Open Internet Order, which protected net neutrality by regulating the nation’s broadband infrastructure.
The court’s ruling appeared to be the coup de grâce for the FCC,
which has been fighting to regulate the internet for over 10 years.
But as it turns out, the opposite may be true. By calling out the FCC
for overstepping its bounds, the court may have actually opened the
door for the FCC to completely control the internet.
Worst of all, no one’s talking about it! The mainstream media is
focused on the slight (but real) possibility that consumers may have to
pay a little more to use services like Netflix (NFLX). And don’t get me wrong – that’s a distressing thought.
But there’s far more at stake than the price of streaming video.
Conveniently Rewriting the Rules
The FCC’s fight to regulate the internet can be
traced to 2002, when the Commission classified internet service
providers (ISPs) as “information service providers” and not
“telecommunications carriers.”
Since then, however, the FCC has continued forcing ISPs to follow the
same rules that apply to telecoms (with varying degrees of success).
And now, for the first time, the court has said definitively that the
FCC can’t do that.
But that’s not the whole story…
You see, in 2008, the FCC quietly reinterpreted Section 706 of the
Communications Act. Sounds pretty harmless, right? But the updated
version acts as a broad grant of authority for pretty much whatever the
FCC wants to do.
And on January 14, when the court struck down the Open Internet Order, it also accepted the reinterpreted Section 706.
Basically, the court told the FCC: You can’t broadly regulate ISPs
like telecoms, but don’t sweat it! On a case-by-case basis, you can do
virtually anything you want.
As Berin Szoka and Geoffrey Manne said in Wired, “The FCC now has vast discretion, and seems unwilling to give that up.”
On top of that, Judge Silberman, who ruled in the Open Internet Order
case, called any remaining limitations on the FCC “illusory.” In his
dissent, he said that Section 706 “grant[s] the FCC virtually unlimited
power to regulate the internet.”
Could the FCC Control Your Entire Life?
Giving sweeping power to a federal agency is never a
good idea, and the FCC is no exception. The Electronic Frontier
Foundation, which has long supported net neutrality, says the ruling
could be a “Trojan Horse for unrestrained FCC authority to regulate the
In fact, it’s unclear why the FCC couldn’t regulate any
information services, so long as it has a plausible argument that it’s
boosting broadband demand. Could the FCC then rule over VoIP as well as
broadband? What about smart cars? Or even entire smart cities?
It’s a scary thought, and everyone – from net neutrality advocates to
venture capitalists, broadband innovators and even ISPs like Verizon (VZ) and Comcast (CCV) – should be worried.
An open internet is essential to our very way of life, from education
to freedom of speech to economic growth. Handing the government the
keys to common law regulation allows the FCC to wage a piecemeal
campaign that slowly but surely tightens the grip of federal regulation,
and that’s no good for anyone. As Always The Plain Truth!
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