With much fanfare, Barack Obama recently announced his plan to solve
the retirement crisis: a new savings vehicle called the MyRA.
But one look under the hood shows that MyRA is about as likely to
solve the retirement crisis as Obamacare was to solve the healthcare
You see, MyRA is actually another fraudulent scheme to transfer
wealth from the young to the government. These long-suffering youths
already pay hefty payroll taxes to fund social security as well as
oversized health insurance premiums to subsidize middle-aged buyers.
On top of that, many young people are burdened with student loans,
which mostly fund the extravagant lifestyles of older professors – many
of whom teach less than three hours a week. In fact, between state,
local and national taxes, young people pay some of the highest taxes in
the world – and politicians in D.C. wonder why these youths still live
with their parents!
The younger generation is slipping into poverty, and the reason is
simple: They’ve been fleeced by politicians, stripped of nearly every
last cent and left with no money to save.
Young Americans Left for Dead
So now, the exalted leader of the United States, his highness Barack
Obama, has a grand plan to fix the problem (which was caused by his
socialist U.S. government in the first place).
Young people aren’t saving, Obama says, so let’s create a scheme that
puts their money into U.S. government bonds! And in his infinite
benevolence, Obama will insure the whole scheme so that nobody loses a
This sounds good to the average saver, because he or she has probably
been abused by Wall Street. In fact, many people are still looking at
IRA and brokerage balances destroyed by the financial crisis.
And the MyRA couldn’t be simpler, as it boasts just one investment
choice: a Treasury bond fund stuffed with U.S. Treasury bonds. While
account holders allegedly can’t lose money on this investment, I’d argue
that they’re likely losing every month as the value of their currency
is inflated away. Just look at 2012, when the fund returned a miserly
1.47% and inflation more than doubled that at 3%.
Anyone who invests in Treasury bonds will tell you that they
absolutely can lose money. When interest rates go up, the value of an
outstanding bond with a lower coupon goes down in value. When interest
rates go down, the value of outstanding bonds with a higher coupon go up
in value. The only way that you don’t lose is to hold the bond to
maturity, and by then you’ve likely lost to inflation.
Therefore, even when you get paid a return on these bonds, the
currency you get back in retirement will be worth substantially less
than the currency that you put into the account. This is no way to save
for retirement, unless you plan to live on food stamps in a government
housing project.
The Government’s Last-Ditch Effort
So why would Obama tout his new savings plan as a grand solution to the retirement crisis?
Here’s a little secret: The Federal Reserve is insolvent. The U.S.
government is insolvent. Truth be told, the whole MyRA scheme is about
getting unsuspecting people to invest in something that they don’t
And the government is desperate to find new investors. You see, our
politicians are currently spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave
in Hong Kong. The budget hasn’t been balanced in years, and instead, the
government has issued debt to cover the unpaid balance.
Obama and the politicians always want more money, and the only place
left to turn is your wallet. The MyRA is one scheme that they can use to
covertly fleece the unsuspecting masses. Buy in at your own risk!
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