Thursday, August 1, 2013

Obama’s Next Smooth Move in Taking Over America Little By Little!: Universal Preschool

Last week, during a speech at Fort Knox College, President Obama promised, once again, to tackle a lack of equal opportunity in America: “When the rungs on the ladder of opportunity grow farther apart, it undermines the very essence of this country. That’s why reversing these trends must be Washington’s highest priority. It’s certainly my highest priority.” And his first area of attack is preschool education. As if universal healthcare isn’t bad enough, President Obama is moving forward with his plans for universal preschool. And again, don’t let the noble idea that it masquerades around as fool you. Cut and dry, this is another ploy to get more and more Americans under more and more government control. Oh, and another thing – we’re the ones paying for it.
The president has set his sights on implementing a federally-funded preschool education for all kids, but not everyone shares his vision. The president isn’t backing down though: “That’s why I’ll keep pushing to make high-quality preschool available to every four year-old in America – not just because we know it works for our kids, but because it provides a vital support system for working parents.”
Calling the Bluff
Do we really know that it works? Actually, we may know just the opposite.  Many experts argue that universal preschool doesn’t work. Education policy experts find little evidence to show that preschool is really worth the cost, and studies of universal preschool find no evidence of a lasting academic impact on kids. Instead, studies find that the advantages preschool kids experience fade during their early elementary years, leaving them neither smarter nor more social by the time they reach fifth grade. And the same can be said for disadvantaged kids.
With K-12 education already in shambles in America, do parents really want the government meddling in our preschools too? Grover Whitehurst, Director of the Brown Center on Education Policy at the Brookings Institute, believes that “There are reasons to doubt that we yet know how to design and deliver a government funded pre-K program that produces sufficiently large benefits to justify prioritizing pre-K over other investments in education.”
In response to President Obama’s speech, Lindsey Burke of the Heritage Foundation wrote,
“Universal, government preschool, financed by the federal government, is mired in bad policy… Indeed, the type of preschool-for-all President Obama envisions is far more likely to mimic the failing Head Start program, which has cost taxpayers more than $150 billion since it began in 1965, and has left low-income children no better off in the process. What’s more, the Obama Administration’s new preschool proposal would add to the long list of existing federal early education and child care programs—despite little evidence of demand for such programs.”
Ulterior Motives  
So if there’s little evidence to support the need for, or impact of, a universal preschool program, why is President Obama pushing for it? Maybe it’s not about education at all. After all, during the same speech the president stated that “When the rungs on the ladder of opportunity grow farther apart, it undermines the very essence of this country.” But is it an issue of opportunity or competition? It’s no secret that President Obama isn’t a friend of capitalism. And universal education programs attempt to put everyone on the same playing field, essentially eliminating competition and suffocating capitalism.
Ultimately, this just looks like Obama’s latest attempt to create a country that is hyper-dependent on its government. This means exaggerated and overwhelming control. They want to take away our guns, our money, and manipulate, abuse or take away the very rights that this country was founded on…
In pursuit of the truth, The Plain Truth!

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